

Ensure good data quality in Presto.

About Presto

Presto is an open-source distributed SQL query engine optimized for fast interactive analytics across large and diverse data sources. It supports direct querying from the storage location, eliminating the need for data movement.

How Soda integrates with Presto

Use the Presto and Soda integration to check the quality of source data at ingestion and detect errors, catch and quarantine bad data, and resolve data issues before they have a downstream impact. Continuously and proactively monitor data, configure alerts, and maintain reliable data pipelines to prevent data downtime and eliminate data quality firefighting.

Integrate Soda with Presto to:

  • Test, validate, profile, and monitor data to ensure that it is, and remains, fit-for-purpose
  • Write declarative data quality checks and configure alerts to catch issues early
  • Reduce the risk and cost of ingesting data from multiple sources
integration information coming soon!
Access docs to learn how this integration works with Soda and follow a step-by-step technical guide to get started.

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